Lowongan Kerja PT Sawit Sumbermas Sarana Tbk Terbaru 2019     Edit

Lowongan Kerja PT Sawit Sumbermas Sarana Tbk  Terbaru 2019

Posisi : KTU

PT Sawit Sumbermas Sarana Tbk. (SSMS) adalah perusahaan kelapa sawit dengan misi untuk mewujudkan potensi penuh dari minyak sawit. Kami mengelola bisnis terintegrasi di 19 perkebunan kelapa sawit, enam pabrik kelapa sawit (PKS) dan satu pabrik inti sawit dari Pangkalan Bun, Kalimantan Tengah, Indonesia.

Kami percaya pada potensi luar biasa dari minyak kelapa sawit dan optimis tentang tempat panen di masa depan. Dengan produktivitas tanaman tertinggi dan efisiensi penggunaan lahan dibandingkan dengan tanaman lain, minyak kelapa sawit bisa menjadi jawaban penting, dan lebih ramah lingkungan, untuk mengatasi lonjakan kebutuhan minyak nabati di masa depan. 

Pada saat yang sama, industri kelapa sawit memiliki potensi untuk berkontribusi secara signifikan dalam mendorong pembangunan di negara-negara seperti Indonesia, khususnya masyarakat pedesaan.

  1. Laki - laki
  2. Usia 25 - 30 Tahun
  3. Pendidikan Minimal S-1 Akuntansi
  4. Disukai Pengalaman di Bidang KTU selama 2 Tahun
  5. Mampu mengoperasikan Ms. Excell
  6. Mampu bekerja secara tim dan individu
  7. Mampu berkerja di bawah tekanan
  8. Sehat jasmani dan Rohani


Yang berminat silahkan kirim scan dokumen lamaran, cv, ktp, ijasah terakhir, surat pengalaman kerja, foto 3×4 berwarna (background bebas) ke Pimpinan HRD & GA PT. Sawit Sumbermas Sarana, Tbk. dengan subject email "calon kandidat KTU" (tanpa tanda petik), batas waktu pengiriman akan di infokan selanjutnya.
Email :

Lowongan Kerja PT Bumitama Gunajaya Agro Terbaru Juli 2019     Edit

Lowongan Kerja PT Bumitama Gunajaya Agro Terbaru Juli 2019

Bumitama Agri Ltd. adalah salah satu produsen utama minyak kelapa sawit dan biji palem, dengan perkebunan kelapa sawit di Indonesia. Terdaftar di Bursa Singapura sejak 2012, kegiatan bisnis utama kami adalah membudidayakan pohon kelapa sawit, serta memanen dan mengolah tandan buah sawit segar menjadi minyak kelapa sawit dan biji palem, yang di jual ke kilang di Indonesia.

Bumitama berkomitmen untuk pengembangan minyak sawit berkelanjutan, dipandu oleh Kebijakan Keberlanjutan, dan mematuhi persyaratan wajib dari Indonesian Sustainable Palm Oil dan merupakan anggota dari Roundtable Sustainable Palm Oil yang diakui secara internasional.

Dengan diadakannya lowongan ini tentunya mereka mencari atau menginginkan kandidat terbaik dengan kualifikasi yang sesuai dan cocok untuk posisi penempatan. Adapun dibawah ini adalah posisi jabatan yang saat ini tersedia bagi Anda para pencari kerja yang tertarik untuk mengembangkan karir Anda bersama PT Bumitama Gunajaya Agro dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut.


Management Trainee - Engineering Assistant (Kode: MT-PAME)
  • S1 Teknik Mesin/Kimia/Elektro (arus kuat)
  • IPK min 2,75
  • Max. 30 tahun, pengalaman tidak diutamakan
  • Bersedia mengikuti program training di Kalimantan serta ditempatkan di lokasi perkebunan kelapa sawit.

Agronomy Assistant (Kode: MT-PAMA)
  • S1 Pertanian (Ilmu Tanah, Agronomi, Agribisnis, Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian, Hama & Penyakit Tumbuhan), S1 Kehutanan, S1 Biologi
  • IPK min 2,75
  • Max. 30 tahun, pengalaman tidak diutamakan
  • Bersedia mengikuti program training di Kalimantan serta ditempatkan di lokasi perkebunan kelapa sawit.

Administration  Assistant (Kode: MT - PAMK)
  • D3/S1-Akuntansi/Keuangan/Manajemen, S1- Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian/Agribisnis
  • IPK min 2,75
  • Max. 30 tahun, pengalaman tidak diutamakan
  • Bersedia mengikuti program training di Kalimantan serta ditempatkan di lokasi perkebunan kelapa sawit.


Bagi kamu yang memenui syarat dan tertarik untuk bekerja di PT Bumitama Gunajaya Agro, tentunya kamu harus memenuhi persyaratan dan menyiapkan berkas lamaran kerja yang di susun secara rapi. Untuk pendaftaran Lowongan Kerja PT Bumitama Gunajaya Agro dapat dilakukan dengan mekanisme sebagai berikut.

Insurance is a contract, represented by a policy, in which an individual or entity receives financial protection or reimbursement against losses from an insurance company. The company pools clients' risks to make payments more affordable for the insured. Insurance policies are used to hedge against the risk of financial losses, both big and small, that may result from damage to the insured or her property, or from liability for damage or injury caused to a third party. There are a multitude of different types of insurance policies available, and virtually any individual or business can find an insurance company willing to insure them, for a price. The most common types of personal insurance policies are auto, health, homeowners, and life. Most individuals in the United States have at least one of these types of insurance, and car insurance is required by law. Businesses require special types of insurance policies that insure against specific types of risks faced by the particular business. For example, a fast food restaurant needs a policy that covers damage or injury that occurs as a result of cooking with a deep fryer. An auto dealer is not subject to this type of risk but does require coverage for damage or injury that could occur during test drives. There are also insurance policies available for very specific needs, such as kidnap and ransom (K&R), medical malpractice, and professional liability insurance, also known as errors and omissions insurance.

Insurance Policy Components When choosing a policy, it is important to understand how insurance works. Three important components of insurance policies are the premium, policy limit, and deductible. A firm understanding of these concepts goes a long way in helping you choose the policy that best suits your needs. A policy's premium is its price, typically expressed as a monthly cost. The premium is determined by the insurer based on your or your business's risk profile, which may include creditworthiness. For example, if you own several expensive automobiles and have a history of reckless driving, you will likely pay more for an auto policy than someone with a single mid-range sedan and a perfect driving record. However, different insurers may charge different premiums for similar policies; so, finding the price that is right for you requires some legwork. The policy limit is the maximum amount an insurer will pay under a policy for a covered loss. Maximums may be set per period (e.g., annual or policy term), per loss or injury, or over the life of the policy, also known as the lifetime maximum. Typically, higher limits carry higher premiums. For a general life insurance policy, the maximum amount the insurer will pay is referred to as the face value, which is the amount paid to a beneficiary upon the death of the insured. The deductible is a specific amount the policy-holder must pay out-of-pocket before the insurer pays a claim. Deductibles serve as deterrents to large volumes of small and insignificant claims. Deductibles can apply per-policy or per-claim depending on the insurer and the type of policy. Policies with very high deductibles are typically less expensive because the high out-of-pocket expense generally results in fewer small claims. In regards to health insurance, people who have chronic health issues or need regular medical attention should look for policies with lower deductibles. Though the annual premium is higher than a comparable policy with a higher deductible, less expensive access to medical care throughout the year may be worth the trade-off..

Insurance Claim What is Insurance Claim An insurance claim is a formal request to an insurance company for coverage or compensation for a covered loss or policy event. The insurance company validates the claim and, once approved, issues payment to the insured or an approved interested party on behalf of the insured. Insurance claims cover everything from death benefits on life insurance policies to routine and comprehensive medical exams. In many cases, third-parties file claims on behalf of the insured person, but usually only the person(s) listed on the policy is entitled to claim payments. Insurance Claim A paid insurance claim serves to indemnify a policyholder against financial loss. An individual or group pays premiums as consideration for completion of an insurance contract between the insured party and an insurance carrier. The most common insurance claims involve costs for medical goods and services, physical damage and liability resulting from the operation of automobiles, property damage and liability for dwellings (homeowners, landlords, and renters), and the loss of life. Health Insurance Claims Costs for a surgical procedures or inpatient hospital stays remain prohibitively expensive. In 2014, the US average cost for a one-day hospital stay was $2,212. Individual or group health policies indemnify patients against financial burdens that may otherwise cause crippling financial damage. Health insurance claims filed with carriers by providers on behalf of policyholders require little effort from patients; 94% of medical claims were adjudicated electronically in 2011, a 19% increase from 2006. Policyholders must file paper claims when medical providers do not participate in electronic transmittals but charges result from rendered covered services. Ultimately, an insurance claim protects an individual from the prospect of large financial burdens resulting from an accident or illness. Property and Casualty Claims A house is typically one of the largest assets an individual will purchase in his/her lifetime. A claim filed for damage from covered perils is initially routed via phone or the internet to a representative of an insurer, commonly referred to as an agent or claims adjuster. Unlike health insurance claims, the onus is on the policyholder to report damage of a deeded property he owns. An adjuster, depending on the type of claim, inspects and assesses damage to property for payment to the insured. Upon verification of the damage, the adjuster initiates the process of compensating or reimbursing the insured. Life Insurance Claims Life insurance claims require the submission of a claim form, a death certificate, and oftentimes the original policy. The process, especially for large face value policies, may require in-depth examination by the carrier to ensure that the death of the insured did not fall under a contract exclusion, such as suicide (usually excluded for the first few years after policy inception) or death resulting from a criminal act. Generally, the process takes approximately 30 to 60 days without extenuating circumstances, affording beneficiaries the financial wherewithal to replace the income of the deceased or simply cover the burden of final expenses.

Liability Insurance Liability insurance is insurance that provides protection against claims resulting from injuries and damage to people and/or property. Insurance Insurance is a contract (policy) in which an insurer indemnifies another against losses from specific contingencies and/or perils. Claims Reserve The claims reserve is funds that are set aside for the future payment of incurred claims that have not yet been settled. Indemnity Insurance Indemnity insurance is an agreement whereby one party guarantees compensation for losses or damages incurred by another. Renter's Insurance Renter's insurance is property insurance that covers a policyholder's belongings, liability and possibly living expenses in case of a loss event. Homeowners Insurance Homeowners insurance is a property insurance that covers losses and damages to an individual's house and their home's assets.

Pendaftaran dapat dilakukan dengan mengirimkan CV melalui email ke:


Hanya yang sesuai kualifikasi yang akan dihubungi dan mendapatkan undangan.

Lowongan Kerja PT Tunas Widji Inti Nayottama Terbaru Juli 2019     Edit

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Insurance is a contract, represented by a policy, in which an individual or entity receives financial protection or reimbursement against losses from an insurance company. The company pools clients' risks to make payments more affordable for the insured. Insurance policies are used to hedge against the risk of financial losses, both big and small, that may result from damage to the insured or her property, or from liability for damage or injury caused to a third party. There are a multitude of different types of insurance policies available, and virtually any individual or business can find an insurance company willing to insure them, for a price. The most common types of personal insurance policies are auto, health, homeowners, and life. Most individuals in the United States have at least one of these types of insurance, and car insurance is required by law. Businesses require special types of insurance policies that insure against specific types of risks faced by the particular business. For example, a fast food restaurant needs a policy that covers damage or injury that occurs as a result of cooking with a deep fryer. An auto dealer is not subject to this type of risk but does require coverage for damage or injury that could occur during test drives. There are also insurance policies available for very specific needs, such as kidnap and ransom (K&R), medical malpractice, and professional liability insurance, also known as errors and omissions insurance.

Insurance Policy Components When choosing a policy, it is important to understand how insurance works. Three important components of insurance policies are the premium, policy limit, and deductible. A firm understanding of these concepts goes a long way in helping you choose the policy that best suits your needs. A policy's premium is its price, typically expressed as a monthly cost. The premium is determined by the insurer based on your or your business's risk profile, which may include creditworthiness. For example, if you own several expensive automobiles and have a history of reckless driving, you will likely pay more for an auto policy than someone with a single mid-range sedan and a perfect driving record. However, different insurers may charge different premiums for similar policies; so, finding the price that is right for you requires some legwork. The policy limit is the maximum amount an insurer will pay under a policy for a covered loss. Maximums may be set per period (e.g., annual or policy term), per loss or injury, or over the life of the policy, also known as the lifetime maximum. Typically, higher limits carry higher premiums. For a general life insurance policy, the maximum amount the insurer will pay is referred to as the face value, which is the amount paid to a beneficiary upon the death of the insured. The deductible is a specific amount the policy-holder must pay out-of-pocket before the insurer pays a claim. Deductibles serve as deterrents to large volumes of small and insignificant claims. Deductibles can apply per-policy or per-claim depending on the insurer and the type of policy. Policies with very high deductibles are typically less expensive because the high out-of-pocket expense generally results in fewer small claims. In regards to health insurance, people who have chronic health issues or need regular medical attention should look for policies with lower deductibles. Though the annual premium is higher than a comparable policy with a higher deductible, less expensive access to medical care throughout the year may be worth the trade-off..

Insurance Claim What is Insurance Claim An insurance claim is a formal request to an insurance company for coverage or compensation for a covered loss or policy event. The insurance company validates the claim and, once approved, issues payment to the insured or an approved interested party on behalf of the insured. Insurance claims cover everything from death benefits on life insurance policies to routine and comprehensive medical exams. In many cases, third-parties file claims on behalf of the insured person, but usually only the person(s) listed on the policy is entitled to claim payments. Insurance Claim A paid insurance claim serves to indemnify a policyholder against financial loss. An individual or group pays premiums as consideration for completion of an insurance contract between the insured party and an insurance carrier. The most common insurance claims involve costs for medical goods and services, physical damage and liability resulting from the operation of automobiles, property damage and liability for dwellings (homeowners, landlords, and renters), and the loss of life. Health Insurance Claims Costs for a surgical procedures or inpatient hospital stays remain prohibitively expensive. In 2014, the US average cost for a one-day hospital stay was $2,212. Individual or group health policies indemnify patients against financial burdens that may otherwise cause crippling financial damage. Health insurance claims filed with carriers by providers on behalf of policyholders require little effort from patients; 94% of medical claims were adjudicated electronically in 2011, a 19% increase from 2006. Policyholders must file paper claims when medical providers do not participate in electronic transmittals but charges result from rendered covered services. Ultimately, an insurance claim protects an individual from the prospect of large financial burdens resulting from an accident or illness. Property and Casualty Claims A house is typically one of the largest assets an individual will purchase in his/her lifetime. A claim filed for damage from covered perils is initially routed via phone or the internet to a representative of an insurer, commonly referred to as an agent or claims adjuster. Unlike health insurance claims, the onus is on the policyholder to report damage of a deeded property he owns. An adjuster, depending on the type of claim, inspects and assesses damage to property for payment to the insured. Upon verification of the damage, the adjuster initiates the process of compensating or reimbursing the insured. Life Insurance Claims Life insurance claims require the submission of a claim form, a death certificate, and oftentimes the original policy. The process, especially for large face value policies, may require in-depth examination by the carrier to ensure that the death of the insured did not fall under a contract exclusion, such as suicide (usually excluded for the first few years after policy inception) or death resulting from a criminal act. Generally, the process takes approximately 30 to 60 days without extenuating circumstances, affording beneficiaries the financial wherewithal to replace the income of the deceased or simply cover the burden of final expenses.

Liability Insurance Liability insurance is insurance that provides protection against claims resulting from injuries and damage to people and/or property. Insurance Insurance is a contract (policy) in which an insurer indemnifies another against losses from specific contingencies and/or perils. Claims Reserve The claims reserve is funds that are set aside for the future payment of incurred claims that have not yet been settled. Indemnity Insurance Indemnity insurance is an agreement whereby one party guarantees compensation for losses or damages incurred by another. Renter's Insurance Renter's insurance is property insurance that covers a policyholder's belongings, liability and possibly living expenses in case of a loss event. Homeowners Insurance Homeowners insurance is a property insurance that covers losses and damages to an individual's house and their home's assets.

Lowongan Kerja PT Alam Lestari Maju Indonesia Terbaru Juli 2019     Edit

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Lowongan Kerja PT Alam Lestari Maju Indonesia Terbaru Juli 2019


PT. Alam Lestari Maju Indonesia (ALAMI) adalah sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang produksi dan penjualan pupuk dan herbisida untuk berbagai pertanian dan perkebunan, diantaranya perkebunan kelapa sawit, teh, sayuran, dan lainnya.

Saat ini kami sedang mengembangkan jaringan penjualan kami, dan kami mencari kandidat yang memiliki determinasi dan ketahanan kerja yang kuat dan dapat berkembang bersama dengan kami untuk menjadi salah satu global market leader.


Persyaratan Umum
  • Sehat Jasmani dan rohani
  • Menguasai Area
  • Integritas dan berdedikasi
  • Komunikatif dan persuasive
  • Daya juang yang tinggi dan result oriented

Insurance is a contract, represented by a policy, in which an individual or entity receives financial protection or reimbursement against losses from an insurance company. The company pools clients' risks to make payments more affordable for the insured. Insurance policies are used to hedge against the risk of financial losses, both big and small, that may result from damage to the insured or her property, or from liability for damage or injury caused to a third party. There are a multitude of different types of insurance policies available, and virtually any individual or business can find an insurance company willing to insure them, for a price. The most common types of personal insurance policies are auto, health, homeowners, and life. Most individuals in the United States have at least one of these types of insurance, and car insurance is required by law. Businesses require special types of insurance policies that insure against specific types of risks faced by the particular business. For example, a fast food restaurant needs a policy that covers damage or injury that occurs as a result of cooking with a deep fryer. An auto dealer is not subject to this type of risk but does require coverage for damage or injury that could occur during test drives. There are also insurance policies available for very specific needs, such as kidnap and ransom (K&R), medical malpractice, and professional liability insurance, also known as errors and omissions insurance.

Insurance Policy Components When choosing a policy, it is important to understand how insurance works. Three important components of insurance policies are the premium, policy limit, and deductible. A firm understanding of these concepts goes a long way in helping you choose the policy that best suits your needs. A policy's premium is its price, typically expressed as a monthly cost. The premium is determined by the insurer based on your or your business's risk profile, which may include creditworthiness. For example, if you own several expensive automobiles and have a history of reckless driving, you will likely pay more for an auto policy than someone with a single mid-range sedan and a perfect driving record. However, different insurers may charge different premiums for similar policies; so, finding the price that is right for you requires some legwork. The policy limit is the maximum amount an insurer will pay under a policy for a covered loss. Maximums may be set per period (e.g., annual or policy term), per loss or injury, or over the life of the policy, also known as the lifetime maximum. Typically, higher limits carry higher premiums. For a general life insurance policy, the maximum amount the insurer will pay is referred to as the face value, which is the amount paid to a beneficiary upon the death of the insured. The deductible is a specific amount the policy-holder must pay out-of-pocket before the insurer pays a claim. Deductibles serve as deterrents to large volumes of small and insignificant claims. Deductibles can apply per-policy or per-claim depending on the insurer and the type of policy. Policies with very high deductibles are typically less expensive because the high out-of-pocket expense generally results in fewer small claims. In regards to health insurance, people who have chronic health issues or need regular medical attention should look for policies with lower deductibles. Though the annual premium is higher than a comparable policy with a higher deductible, less expensive access to medical care throughout the year may be worth the trade-off..

Insurance Claim What is Insurance Claim An insurance claim is a formal request to an insurance company for coverage or compensation for a covered loss or policy event. The insurance company validates the claim and, once approved, issues payment to the insured or an approved interested party on behalf of the insured. Insurance claims cover everything from death benefits on life insurance policies to routine and comprehensive medical exams. In many cases, third-parties file claims on behalf of the insured person, but usually only the person(s) listed on the policy is entitled to claim payments. Insurance Claim A paid insurance claim serves to indemnify a policyholder against financial loss. An individual or group pays premiums as consideration for completion of an insurance contract between the insured party and an insurance carrier. The most common insurance claims involve costs for medical goods and services, physical damage and liability resulting from the operation of automobiles, property damage and liability for dwellings (homeowners, landlords, and renters), and the loss of life. Health Insurance Claims Costs for a surgical procedures or inpatient hospital stays remain prohibitively expensive. In 2014, the US average cost for a one-day hospital stay was $2,212. Individual or group health policies indemnify patients against financial burdens that may otherwise cause crippling financial damage. Health insurance claims filed with carriers by providers on behalf of policyholders require little effort from patients; 94% of medical claims were adjudicated electronically in 2011, a 19% increase from 2006. Policyholders must file paper claims when medical providers do not participate in electronic transmittals but charges result from rendered covered services. Ultimately, an insurance claim protects an individual from the prospect of large financial burdens resulting from an accident or illness. Property and Casualty Claims A house is typically one of the largest assets an individual will purchase in his/her lifetime. A claim filed for damage from covered perils is initially routed via phone or the internet to a representative of an insurer, commonly referred to as an agent or claims adjuster. Unlike health insurance claims, the onus is on the policyholder to report damage of a deeded property he owns. An adjuster, depending on the type of claim, inspects and assesses damage to property for payment to the insured. Upon verification of the damage, the adjuster initiates the process of compensating or reimbursing the insured. Life Insurance Claims Life insurance claims require the submission of a claim form, a death certificate, and oftentimes the original policy. The process, especially for large face value policies, may require in-depth examination by the carrier to ensure that the death of the insured did not fall under a contract exclusion, such as suicide (usually excluded for the first few years after policy inception) or death resulting from a criminal act. Generally, the process takes approximately 30 to 60 days without extenuating circumstances, affording beneficiaries the financial wherewithal to replace the income of the deceased or simply cover the burden of final expenses.

Liability Insurance Liability insurance is insurance that provides protection against claims resulting from injuries and damage to people and/or property. Insurance Insurance is a contract (policy) in which an insurer indemnifies another against losses from specific contingencies and/or perils. Claims Reserve The claims reserve is funds that are set aside for the future payment of incurred claims that have not yet been settled. Indemnity Insurance Indemnity insurance is an agreement whereby one party guarantees compensation for losses or damages incurred by another. Renter's Insurance Renter's insurance is property insurance that covers a policyholder's belongings, liability and possibly living expenses in case of a loss event. Homeowners Insurance Homeowners insurance is a property insurance that covers losses and damages to an individual's house and their home's assets.

Area manager (AM)
  • S1 Pertanian
  • Pengalaman sebagai AM minimal 1 tahun atau sebai SE minimal 5 Tahun
  • Mampu men-develop team dan problem solver
  • Penempatan jatim dan jabar

Agronomist (SE/Sales Supervisor)
  • S1 Pertanian
  • Pengalaman sebagai SE minimal 1 tahun atau sebai FA minimal 4 Tahun
  • Memiliki SIM A

Field Assistant (FA)
  • Min SMA Sederajat
  • Pengalaman sebagai FA minimal 1 tahun
  • Memiliki SIM C

Fasilitas dan Benefit
  • Gaji kompetitif dan insentif menarik
  • Mobil operasional (AM & SE)
  • Operasional expense
  • Asuransi kesehatan dan ketenagakerjaan
  • Jenjang karir menarik


Bagi yang berminat bekerja di PT Alam Lestari Maju Indonesia (ALAMI)  silahkan kirim CV lengkap ke email berikut :


Atau kirim CV by WA ke 08122364497 sebelum 16 Juli 2019

Lowongan Kerja PT Kino Indonesia Tbk Terbaru Juni 2019     Edit

Lowongan Kerja PT Kino Indonesia Tbk Terbaru Juni 2019

Posisi : Fragrance Evaluator Supervisor

PT Kino Indonesia Tbk. merupakan perusahaan consumer goods yang telah diakui di Indonesia dan juga manca negara yang meliputi produk-produk perawatan tubuh, makanan, minuman serta farmasi. PT. Kino Indonesia Tbk. didirikan pada tahun 1999 hanya dengan 1 pabrik dan 58 karyawan, di tahun 2014 telah menjadi satu perusahaan besar dengan 4 pabrik dengan 3.234 karyawan.

PT. Kino Indonesia Tbk. memproduksi lebih dari 400 jenis produk kecantikan, seperti perawatan wajah, perawatan rambut, wewangian, pembersih daerah kewanitaan, perawatan pria, kosmetik; diikuti dengan produk perawatan rumah tangga seperti pembersih, pelembut, penyegar rumah; juga perawatan bayi seperti pembersih peralatan bayi, detergen pakaian, tisu basah khusus bayi; dan minuman kemasan, seperti minuman berenergi, minuman penyegar, minuman kesehatan dan minuman herbal.


Job desc :
  • Memastikan setiap tahapan proses searching flavor on schedule.
  • Memastikan panel kesukaan kandidat fragrance > 75%.
  • Melakukan proses optimalisasi penurunan COGS product ke exist.
  • Melakukan modifikasi terhadap product exist.

  • Pendidikan min. S1 Teknik Pangan/MIPA
  • Pengalaman min. 3 tahun di posisi yang sama
  • Memahami basic fragrance
  • Memahami basic sensory
  • Memahami basic statistik/SPSS
  • Bersedia ditempatkan di Head Office Alam Sutera, Tangerang
  • Diutamakan yang berdomisili di Tangerang;


Untuk pendaftaran Lowongan Kerja PT Kino Indonesia Tbk dapat dilakukan dengan melamar pada posisi yang diminati dengan mengirim via email berikut ini :

Email : recruitment@kino.co.id

Subject : Fragnance - Nama

Lowongan Kerja PT Vale Terbaru Juli 2019     Edit

Lowongan Kerja PT Vale Terbaru Juli 2019

Posisi : QAQC Geologist (Code: EMEQGS)

PT Vale adalah perusahaan global yang memproduksi nikel terbaik di dunia. Kami percaya karyawan merupakan aset terbesar perusahaan dan kesuksesan berasal dari energi karyawan kami. 

Vale Indonesia memberikan lingkungan kerja yang dinamis dan penuh tantangan untuk pengembangan pengalaman dan karir karyawan.

Di Vale Indonesia, Anda akan berinteraksi dan bekerja sama dengan 3.300 karyawan tetap dan 3000 karyawan kontraktor yang berpengalaman dan berdedikasi. Dalam aktivitas bisnis kami juga mendorong karyawan untuk mengembangkan keahlian dan pengalaman mereka ke tingkat yang lebih tinggi.

Kegiatan bisnis Vale Indonesia terbagi dalam dua lingkup; operasi (operation) dan pendukung (support). Departemen-departemen yang berada di lingkup operasi terdiri dari Mines & Exploration, Process Plant, Production Services, Operation Support, Vale Production System, Engineering Tech, Development and Support , dan Maintenance & Utilities.

Sedangkan departemen-departemen yang berada di lingkup pendukung adalah Human Resources & Corporate Services, External Relations, Finance, Legal & Corporate Secretary, Internal Audit dan Project Department.

  • Untuk melakukan audit QAQC reguler untuk persiapan sampel eksplorasi, penanganan sampel, pengeboran dan pengambilan sampel geologis untuk memastikan keandalannya dan kepatuhan terhadap Pedoman Logam Dasar Vale
  • Standar untuk Estimasi dan Pelaporan Sumber Daya Mineral dan Cadangan dan standar industri.
  • Untuk melakukan analisis statistik dan evaluasi data uji yang dihasilkan untuk mendukung sumber daya mineral estimasi, rencana tambang, kontrol kadar tambang, laporan Cadangan Sumber Daya Mineral (MRMR) dan persyaratan data pengujian lainnya untuk memastikan keandalannya sesuai dengan perusahaan yang disediakan standar dan pedoman.
  • Melaporkan kelemahan kontrol yang diidentifikasi pada proses bisnis ke area yang bertanggung jawab, memintanya untuk menyerahkan rencana aksi dan tanggal implementasi untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut.
  • Untuk mengontrol dan memantau kinerja laboratorium primer dan sekunder (pihak eksternal) untuk memastikan kepatuhan terhadap persyaratan protokol QAQC.
  • Untuk mengontrol dan memelihara ketersediaan, konsumsi dan penyimpanan termasuk untuk menyiapkan kontrak & persyaratan anggaran Materi Referensi Bersertifikat (CRM), standar sampel, dan sampel kosong untuk memastikan tidak ada penundaan dalam persiapan sampel dan ketentuan pengujian.
  • Untuk memberikan laporan QAQC reguler ke Orang Berkualitas Logam Dasar Vale untuk QAQC sebagaimana diminta oleh Vale
  • Pedoman Logam Dasar dan Standar untuk Estimasi Sumber Daya dan Cadangan Mineral dan Pelaporan.
  • Untuk memberikan laporan ringkasan kinerja QAQC reguler dari proyek eksplorasi sebagai dukungan wajib untuk laporan tahunan MRMR.
  • Terlibat dalam penerapan ISO 9001: 2015 dalam Sistem Kualitas dan Manajemen untuk memelihara KPI dan peningkatan berkesinambungan dalam Sistem Manajemen Mutu dan Kegiatan eksplorasi.

Spesialisasi Teknis:
  • Pengetahuan geologi dan endapan Ni laterit, mineralogi terkait, geokimia, jenis bijih dan karakteristik.
  • Konsep dan metode pemodelan blok laterit Ni dan aplikasi geostatistik.
  • Analisis statistik dasar dan konsep evaluasi serta penerapannya
  • Teori Sampling Geologis dan fundamental QAQC-nya dari tahap investigasi umum, eksplorasi, pengembangan dan pengendalian produksi tambang
  • Pengeboran Geologis dan Pengambilan Sampel untuk berbagai tahap eksplorasi, pengembangan, dan produksi
  • Prosedur Penanganan Sampel
  • Konsep Persiapan Sampel, metode dan praktik terbaik industri
  • Manajemen Basis Data Geologi
  • Protokol audit QAQC untuk persiapan sampel eksplorasi, penanganan sampel, pengeboran, dan geologi contoh
  • Pengetahuan dan konsep berbagai metode analisis sampel (XRF, ICP, LOI, LECO, dll.)
  • Pedoman dan Standar Industri untuk Estimasi dan Pelaporan Sumber Daya Mineral dan Cadangan dan standar serupa yang dirujuk sebagai praktik terbaik industri.
  • Penerapan ISO 9001: 2015 dalam Sistem Kualitas dan Manajemen

  • Gelar sarjana (S1) dari Geologi
  • Minimum 5 tahun pengalaman kerja yang relevan


Bagaimana menerapkan:
Menyerahkan CV, foto terbaru, salinan bukti pengalaman kerja, salinan sertifikat akademik, transkrip dan Kartu ID (harus dalam format pdf) ke: 


Nama dan kode posisi HARUS ditulis sebagai subjek email;
Aplikasi harus diajukan selambat-lambatnya 9 Juli 2019;
Hanya mereka yang memenuhi persyaratan yang akan diberitahu untuk proses seleksi lebih lanjut.

Lowongan Kerja Nutrifood Besar besaran Juli 2019     Edit

Lowongan Kerja Nutrifood Besar besaran Juli 2019


Nutrifood merupakan perusahaan yang secara inovatif memproduksi berbagai produk makanan dan minuman kesehatan berkualitas internasional dengan berbagai merek yang terpercaya.

Kantor pusat Nutrifood berada di Jakarta, dengan jaringan distribusi yang menjangkau lebih dari tiga puluh negara di dunia. Melalui berbagai produk dan event, Nutrifood menginspirasi dan membantu setiap individu untuk mencapai keseimbangan hidup dengan menjalankan pola hidup sehat yang menyenangkan dan memperhatikan asupan nutrisi sehingga dapat menikmati hidup sehat lebih lama.


Minimal S1 Jurusan apapun dengan IPK minimal 3.00
Memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan, kemampuan negosiasi dan senang membangun relasi
Bersedia ditempatkan dimana saja di Seluruh Indonesia

Minimal S1 Jurusan apapun dengan IPK minimal 3.00
Memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan dan networking yang luas
Bersedia ditempatkan dimana saja di dalam Indonesia

[FullTime] IT – DevOps
Mahasiswa tingkat akhir / S1 jurusan Teknik Komputer/Teknik Informatika, dengan IPK min. 3.00
Sangat tertarik dgn IT dan Teknologi, terutama hardware, network & pengembangan aplikasi
Memiliki pengalaman aktif sebagai asisten lab IT dan organisasi akan menjadi poin lebih
Memiliki kemampuan analisis yang kuat dan menyukai hal teknis.
Bersedia ditempatkan di kantor pusat (Jakarta)

Memiliki pengalaman maksimal 3 tahun di bidang Information Technology atau Digital Field
Potensi kepemimpinan dan komunikasi yang baik; sistematika dan kemampuan berpikir analitik
Tertarik pada pengembangan big data dan data integration
Memiliki pemahaman terkait SQL atau Phyton/R
Berpengalaman dalam multiple full system implementation life cycle (analyze, design, build, test, implement, support)

S1 jurusan Teknologi Informatika/Sistem Informasi/Teknik Industri, dengan IPK min. 3.00
Tertarik dalam project management dan familiar dengan deadline
Memiliki kemampuan analisa yang kuat, komunikasi, dan keahlian dalam membawakan presentasi
Memiliki pengalaman sebagai asisten Lab akan menjadi poin lebih
Bersedia ditempatkan di kantor pusat (Jakarta)

S1 jurusan Akuntansi/Manajemen Keuangan, dengan IPK  min. 3.00
Memiliki kemampuan analisa yang tajam
Tekun, teliti, sistematis, dan cekatan
Memiliki pengalaman sebagai internal auditor dapat menjadi poin lebih
Senang travelling
Bersedia ditempatkan di kantor pusat (Jakarta)

Minimal S1 semua jurusan dengan IPK minimal 3.00
Usia maksimal 32 tahun
Memiliki kemampuan negosiasi dan komunikasi yang baik
Memiliki kemampuan memimpin, berpikir analitis dan kepribadian dinamis
Lancar berbahasa Inggris baik lisan maupun tulisan
Pengalaman minimal 1 tahun di bagian purchasing akan menjadi poin lebih
Bersedia ditempatkan di kantor pusat (Jakarta)

D3/S1 Jurusan Graphic Design/DKV
Memiliki pengalaman dalam pembuatan konten digital minimal 2 tahun.
Menguasai adobe ilustrator, photoshop, adobe premiere
Mampu mengoperasikan profesional camera
Komunikatif, kreatif, dan pemikiran konseptual yang kuat

S1/ Mahasiswa akhir jurusan Graphic Designer
Menguasai Sketch, Photoshop, Illustrator baik untuk mobile dan web application.
Komunikatif, kreatif, dan pemikiran konseptual yang kuat
Bersedia ditempatkan di Jakarta

Mahasiswa S1 jurusan Desain Komunikasi Visual (DKV) / Desain Grafis, dengan IPK min. 3.00
Familiar dengan desain web
Memiliki keahlian dalam desain grafis
Memiliki pemikiran konseptual yang kuat
Tertarik dalam fashion design/fashion stylist akan menjadi poin lebih
Bersedia ditempatkan di kantor pusat (Jakarta)

D3 / S1 Jurusan Broadcasting, dengan IPK min. 3.00
Mampu mengoperasikan program komputer seperti Final Cut Pro, Adobe Premier,  Adobe Photoshop, Adobe illustrator, After Effect, dll
Mengerti tentangphotography dan editing video
Tekun, teliti, detail, sensitif terhadap spektrum warna, cahaya dan suara
Inisiatif dan komunikatif
Memiliki pengalaman di bidang terkait min. 1 tahun akan menjadi poin lebih
Bersedia ditempatkan di kantor pusat (Jakarta)

Usia maks. 25 tahun
D3 semua jurusan, dengan IPK min. 3.00
Menguasai Ms. Office (khususnya Ms. Excel) dengan baik
Menyukai pekerjaan administratif, rapi, dan teliti

Usia maks. 25 tahun
SMK jurusan Teknik Elektro/Teknik Listrik Industri/ Kontrol Mekanik
Berpengalaman dengan mesin tetrapak, akan menjadi poin lebih
Bersedia bekerja dengan shift
Bersedia ditempatkan di pabrik (Ciawi, Cibitung, Sentul)

Usia maks. 25 tahun
D3 jurusan Teknologi Pangan/SJMP/ Agroindustri, dengan IPK min. 3.00
Bersedia bekerja dengan shift
Bersedia ditempatkan di pabrik

[FullTime] R&D LAB. TECH
Usia maks. 27 tahun
Diploma III jurusan Teknologi Pangan, dengan IPK min. 3.00
Memiliki pengetahuan aspek gizi pangan dan nutrisi
Pengetahuan analisa kimia dan mikrobiologi pangan
Bersedia ditempatkan di pabrik

Usia maks. 25 tahun
D3 jurusan Teknologi Pangan/SJMP/ Agroindustri, dengan IPK min. 3.00
Bersedia bekerja dengan shift
Bersedia ditempatkan di pabrik

Mahasiswa S1 tingkat akhir jurusan Psikologi/Teknik Industri/lainnya, dengn IPK min. 3.00
Komunikatif, aktif dan jujur
Memiliki inisiatif tinggi, percaya diri, cekatan
Bersedia magang selama 2 – 3 bulan

Mahasiswa S1 tingkat akhir jurusan Public Relation / Komunikasi, dengn IPK min. 3.00
Bersedia magang min. 3 bulan (Dimulai bulan Desember 2019)
Tertarik mempelajari bidang PR
Mampu membangun relasi yang baik

Mahasiswa S1/D3 semua jurusan
Memiliki SIM A/C
Memiliki jiwa kepemimpin dan networking yang luas
Memiliki kemampuan negosiasi dan komunikasi yang baik
Tertarik pada pengembangan pasar, khususnya pada special channel (hotel, restaurant, kafe)
Penempatan : Jakarta atau Surabaya

[Internship] PEST CONTROL
Mahasiswa D3 Jurusan Proteksi Tanaman/Ilmu Hama dan Penyakit Tanaman
Minimal semester 6 dengan IPK 3.00
Periode magang minimal 2 bulan
Bersedia ditempatkan di pabrik

Mahasiswa S1 jurusan Desain Komunikasi Visual (DKV) / Desain Grafis, dengan IPK min. 3.00
Familiar dengan desain web
Memiliki keahlian dalam desain grafis
Memiliki pemikiran konseptual yang kuat
Tertarik dalam fashion design/fashion stylist akan menjadi poin lebih
Bersedia ditempatkan di kantor pusat (Jakarta)

SMK / Mahasiswa D3 Jurusan Teknik Elektro
Memiliki minat belajar yang tinggi
Senang bekerja di luar ruangan
Bersedia ditempatkan di Jakarta

Mahasiswa S1 minimal semester 6, jurusan Teknologi Pangan / Gizi / Kesehatan Masyarakat, dengan IPK min 3.00
Bersedia magang selama minimal 2 bulan
Memiliki passion dalam intervensi kesehatan dan nutrisi
Komunikatif, supel dan memiliki kemampuan konsultasi
Memiliki keahlian yang baik dalam aplikasi pengolahan data excel dan spss (nilai plus)

Mahasiswa S1 minimal semester 5, semua jurusan dengan IPK minimal 3.00
Memiliki jiwa kepemimpinan dan networking yang luas
Tertarik dengan aktivasi dan event
Periode magang September – Desember

Mahasiswa S1 tingkat akhir jurusan Teknik Lingkungan, dengan IPK min 3.00
Tertarik membuat project dalam bidang lingkungan


Kirimkan portofolio dengan menyertakan nama dan kode posisi pada subjek email ke: recruitment@nutrifood.co.id (maks. 7 MB), jika lebih harap sertakan link untuk mengakses portofolio, Atau Lamar Secara Online

Kepada para calon pelamar diharapkan lebih seksama dan cermat saat melihat info lowongan pekerjaan yang mengatasnamakan Nutrifood. Jika terdapat keraguan atau pertanyaan mengenai info lowongan pekerjaan atau pemanggilan proses rekrutmen, dapat menghubungi kami melalui nomor telepon 021-2963 5700 atau email: recruitment@nutrifood.co.id

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