Lowongan Kerja Great Giant Foods Terbaru Juni 2019 Edit
Kerja Great Giant Foods Terbaru Juni 2019
Great Giant Foods is one of the largest and leading
food and agribusiness companies in Indonesia. With more than 30,000 Ha field in
Lampung, Blitar, and other areas, GGF plant and produce fresh & processed
fruits to be sold locally all over Indonesia with Sunpride as the brand, and
exported to more than 60 countries, such as Japan, China, Middle East, United
States, etc.
Not only fruits, we also have the very first low
land dairy farm in Indonesia that produce fresh milk, and the third largest
livestock company in Indonesia. With 10 (ten) companies under Great Giant Foods
organization, GGF aims to expand along with Indonesia’s GDP growth.
To achieve this target, GGF does not only depend on
existing businesses, but through the incubation of bold new ventures. We also
challenge our 20,000 employees to set stretch targets.
We are not afraid of trying new things and expect
employees to push beyond their boundaries, continuously expand their roles and
challenge the statuesque. We invest in employees’ growth and believe in
aligning passion and work.
Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav 21 Karet Setiabudi, Jakarta
Minimal Sarjana/S1
- Agronomi dan Hortikultura
- Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan
- Mikrobiologi Pertanian
- Proteksi Tanaman
- Teknik Mesin
- Teknologi Pertanian
- Ilmu Tanah Dan Sumberdaya Lahan
- Mampu berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris baik tulisan ataupun verbal.
- Mampu menganalisis dengan baik.
- Berjiwa kepemimpinan.
- Bersedia ditempatkan di Lampung.
Kirim CV ke alamat PT Great Giant Pineapple Jalan
Raya Arah Menggala KM 7 Terbanggi Besar Lampung Tengah 34165 atau kirim via
email melalui recruitment@gg-foods.com
dengan subject Nama#Major#University